Wednesday, June 29, 2005


In their paper, Mr. Wein and Mr. Liu describe how the milk industry is vulnerable because individual farmers send their product to central processing facilities, thereby allowing milk from many locations to mix. Terrorists could poison the supply by putting botulinum toxin into one of the 5,500-gallon trucks that picks up milk daily at farms or by dropping the toxin into raw-milk silos, which hold roughly 50,000 gallons each. Pasteurization would destroy some but not all of the toxin, and a millionth of a gram of toxin may be enough to kill a person.
I found this little gem on crooked timber. It made me think "You know, if all the geniuses who sit around thinking of ways we are vulnerable would shut their mouths and stop thinking of all these great ways to kill us, maybe we would actually be SAFER!"

Crooked Timber, incidentally, is some kind of super-blog of academics with an occasionally interesting tract interspersed with some of the most incredibly boring, dry and pointless pieces I could imagine. Most of the time I get done reading the first couple of pieces and feel like I tried to drink a bucket of sand. Then I get sidetracked clicking their links, most of which are just incredibly pointless. Perhaps the worst, barely coherent blog I could think of, with a really great name is "bitch, PHD." Like a lot of things; great concept without the talent to pull it off. Then again I should talk.


Blogger Abu Yusef said...

let us give these idiot terrorists good ideas...
That is very intelligent...

Some people have a part of their brain that is very large...

and a part that connects to reality that is very small...

I can think of many many ways terrorists could infiltrate some US bases... and I would never publish or say them publicly...

But when it comes to the biggest most important US base of all...
The homeland...
apparantly people in these cases want to dazzle us with their intellect at their expense.

Abu Yusef

11:20 PM  

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